Brian D’Aquino

Brian D’Aquino is a Senior Research Assistant to the ERC-funded Sonic Street Technologies project at Goldsmiths, University of London. He holds a PhD in International Studies from University of Naples L’Orientale, where he is associated with the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies and the Technology Research Unit. He is the author of Black Noise. Tecnologie della Diaspora Sonora (Meltemi, 2021) and has written on popular culture and music, technology and politics in English and Italian. As a founding member of the research group Sound System Outernational he has co-authored articles and co-organized research events in the UK, Italy, and online since 2016. As a member of the Critical Computation Bureau he has curated the online infrastructure for the symposium Recursive Colonialism, Speculative Computation and Artificial Intelligence (December 2020). He has been running the Bababoom Hi Fi sound system and released vinyl records under the Bababoom Hi Fi imprint since 2004.

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Assistance Center

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