From utopia to reality

When Rastafari Livity transforms our daily life

16 ago
16:45 h


How to become the person we always wanted to be? How to turn this utopia into an everyday reality? We have to spiritualise our everyday life. Rastafari Livity offers us a revolutionary approach in which Heaven and Earth are no longer disconnected, sacred and mundane are not at war with each other but speak the same language. Everything that happens outside is in truth a reflection of what happens inside. But then, how do we renew our lives? In this seminar we will look at how ancient wisdom and Rastafari mysticism can teach us to transform our lives, to find the sacred in every little thing, so that we can generate calm, inner peace and a strong sense of purpose.

Todas las actividades están incluidas en el precio de la entrada del Festival. No es posible adquirir entradas para eventos por separado.

