Pilar Almenar

Pilar Almenar holds a degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of València and a Master’s degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Madrid and El País. She currently works as a freelance journalist, trainer and project manager. Interested in reportage and social journalism, she has worked for numerous media in radio, digital, press and television (El País, La Marea, El Salto, Público, Jornada, Vice and À Punt Mèdia). Since 2019 she has been collaborating with the À Punt radio morning show (Les Notícies del Matí) as head of the section #GentQueSuma, about projects with social impact. As a communications professional, she has worked for associations such as Jarit; she has worked for Jovesolides, the association Por Ti Mujer, Intermón Oxfam and the Coordinadora Valenciana de ONGDs, among others. With extensive experience in projects with social impact, since 2017 she has directed the Proyecto Impresas, a magazine edited by women inmates in Picassent prison (Valencia). In 2022, she has held the position of coordinator of advocacy activities of Humans Fest, International Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia.

