Javier Rubio

Lawyer of the People Affected by the Mortgage Platform (PAH)

Javier Rubio is a member of the Legal Commission of the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH), of CAES in the Civil Society Monitoring Group for the fulfillment of the Committee on ESCR Opinion of 20-6-2017 and of the Asociación Libre de Abogadas y Abogados (ALA). Degree in Law and Political Science, with practical specialization in Labor Law, Housing Law, Consumer Law and international Human Rights jurisdiction (Strasbourg Court and Geneva ESC Rights Committee). Among the matters handled, he highlights in recent years the defense against forced evictions in Cañada Real Galiana, the defense against bank abuses for those affected by the mortgage, the participation in the Appeal of Unconstitutionality against Law 1/2013 and the obtaining of the Opinion of the UN Committee on ESCR of 20-6-2017 for violation of the Right to Housing in Spain.

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