Alessandro Di Battista

Alessandro Di Battista is a reporter, writer and political activist. Co-founder and former deputy of M5S, which he left in 2021. He has participated in educational and productive projects in indigenous communities in Guatemala. In the Congo, she has worked for the right to food on behalf of UNESCO. Since 2020 he writes for TPI (The Post Internazionale, online), he is the author of documentaries on Iran and Central America made for Loft, of reports for Il Fatto Quotidiano and, recently, he published his latest book ‘Contra! Why oppose the government of agglomeration’ (PaperFIRST Publishing House). “A book of opposition – informs the description of the essay – a tool to cultivate memory, to contribute elements to public opinion and to counteract the sanctification of the government of all”. Currently, in his support of Julian Assange, he has created the play Assange. Colpirne uno per educarne cento, to highlight the situation that the WikiLeaks founder has been living for more than 12 years.

