Álvaro Pascual-Leone

Álvaro Pascual-Leone was born in Valencia (Spain) in 1961. He is currently Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Senior Scientist at the Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research and Medical Director of the Deanna and Sidney Wolk Center for Memory Health at Hebrew SeniorLife (Boston, USA). Dr. Pascual-Leone is also the co-founder and medical director of Linus Health; co-founder and member of the executive committee of Temporal Interference (TI) Solutions.

Dr. Pascual-Leone is an innovative neuroscientist and neuroscientist, an international leader in the field of non-invasive brain stimulation, where his contributions range from the development of new technologies, through basic neurobiological research in animal and computational models, and pioneering human clinical trials, to the adoption of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods in clinical practice.

Dr Pascual-Leone’s work on brain plasticity has shaped our current view of the human brain, and his transformative scientific work has been instrumental in establishing neurotechnology as an essential element of modern neuroscience and a valuable tool for precision medicine and brain health promotion.


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