Hector Dominguis

Héctor Dominguis is today CEO of GDES (Grupo Dominguis Energy Services).

Héctor Dominguis is a Materials Engineer from Imperial College London, MSC Management at Surrey University, Master in Business Administration from ESADE and Management Development Programme (PDD) at IESE. During the period 2021-23 he held the presidency of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Valencian Association of Businessmen, President of the LAB Mediterráneo Foundation, independent director of Guzman Global SA. and independent director of Umbrella Solar Investment SA.

In 2010 he received the Innovator of the Year Award of the Valencian Community from the newspaper El Mundo and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award of the Valencian Community and Murcia from Ernst & Young.


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