Guillermo García López

Guillermo García López is a film director. His first feature film, Frágil Equilibrio (2016), won the Goya for Best Documentary Film and numerous awards at international festivals. In 2019 he premieres a series of three documentary films, Atlánticas, shot in Greenland, Canary Islands and Namibia. He collaborates in various inter-disciplinary...

Pedro García Campos

Pedro García Campos Pedro García Campos is a journalist and content creator. Since 2014 he has been a collaborator of, editor of Vice News and host of different formats, from VICE & HBO for DMAX to DIARIO VICE for channel # 0 Movistar. In Spain Pedro has produced the...

Jalis de la Serna

Madrid, 1974. Although he began his career as a journalist in the printed press, Jalis’s professional career is more linked to television. After passing through Siete lunas (Canal Sur) and Mi cámara y yo (Telemadrid), he became one of the most well-known reporters in Callejeros (Cuatro). In 2013 he directed...

Daniel Rolleri

Daniel Rolleri is the managing director of Asociación Ambiente Europeo, a leading organization on marine debris related issues. He began his 26 years experience on marine debris working as international coordinator at Ocean Conservancy in Washington DC, and is currently coordinating its International Coastal Cleanup project in Spain. He is...

Miguel Castro

Miguel has been working with children and adults in education, in themes of expression and creativity, for 45 years. At the end of the 80s he met Arno Stern and trained with him in Paris. This meeting radically transformed his way of working, he abandoned artistic education and opened a...

Julián Maguna

Born in Rosario (Argentina) but has been living in Galicia for two years. With a great interest in education, he began his studies of in primary teaching and musical education; however, he finally decided to continue his education in the field of audio-visuals. Audio-visual producer and finalizing the Degree in...

Elena Cruces

Elena studied Teaching in Special Education at the University of Vigo. Subsequently, she expanded her education with a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Care and a Postgraduate Degree in Attention to Diversity. Elena finished her studies and began to work in the field of formal education. After some time, she...

Belén Borobio

In 2006 her daughter was born and her interest in understanding the processes of growth and learning led her to start studying education for purely personal motives. In 2011 she began her training in Creative Education in Bilbao with Miguel Castro and Vega Martín. This led her to transform her...

Leticia Cabo Lozano

Leticia Cabo Lozano is a medical emergencies doctor, who has worked in the SAMU Valencia and in the helicopter 112 service of Aragon for 5 years. Two and a half years she has been collaborating with Proactiva Open Arms. During this time she has participated in a mission in Lesbos...

Miquel Ramos

Journalist, activist and musician in the Valencian band Obrint Pas, has collaborated with different media, such as Público, Directa, La Marea, El Salto, Radio Klara, El Temps and the Spanish edition of The New York Times. He is currently also a technician of the Refugee Assistance Commission (CEAR) in the...

Iván Prado

Iván Prado is International Spokesperson for Pallasos en Rebeldía since its foundation, artistic director of several clown and circus companies and director of Festiclown International (Galicia, Madrid, Brazil, Palestine, Colombia). As an actor and clown he has worked in Paris with the company "l'Épée de Bois", in Madrid with Carlos...

Assistance Center

Now you can consult all your doubts about the festival in the new Assistance Center.