Patrici Calvo

Patrici Calvo holds a PhD in Moral Philosophy from the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló and is a lecturer.

Domingo García Marzà

Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón. PhD in Philosophy from the University of Valencia, he has furthered his studies in Politics in Frankfurt (Germany) and in Economic and Business Ethics in St.Gallen (Switzerland) and Notre Dame (USA). He has been Vice Rector of...

Stella Assange

Stella Assange was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and grew up in Botswana and Lesotho before moving to Sweden, Spain, and then the UK for her tertiary education. She holds a degrees in law and politics at SOAS University of London, a Master of Science in refugee law at Oxford,...

Susana Golf

Journalist specialising in fashion. More than thirty years of experience in the written press and collaborations in radio and television. Former editor of the weekly leisure, culture and lifestyle magazine URBAN. Member of the quality committee of the Valencia Fashion Week. She currently collaborates as a fashion and design expert...

Ana Noguera

PhD in Philosophy. Member of the Consell Valencià de Cultura. Tutor at Uned. She is a member of the literary associations Concilyarte, CLAVE, Plataforma de Escritoras del Mediterráneo, and Clásicas y Modernas. She is a contributor to Political Philosophy journals. Weekly columnist for Also in Cartelera Turia. Member of...

Ana Mansergas

Journalist specialising in sustainability and the third sector. And Head of Culture at Radio Valencia Cadena SER until 2021. President and founder of the organisation One Day Yes. Master's Degree in Development Cooperation of the IIDL, Institut de Desenvolupament Local de la Universitat de València , Jaume Primer Castelló, Universitat...

Adela Cortina

Adela Cortina is Emeritus Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Valencia, member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. She is director of the Fundación ÉTNOR ("For the Ethics of Business and Organisations"), Doctor Honoris Causa from various national and foreign universities, International Essay...

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Federico Mayor Zaragoza was born in Barcelona in 1934. Doctor of Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (1958). In 1963 Professor of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada, of which he was Rector (1968-1972). Professor of Biochemistry at the Autonomous University of Madrid (1973-2004),...

Andrés Pedreño

Professor of Applied Economics, Andrés Pedreño holds an Honorary Doctorate from Nottingham Trent University (UK). Rector of the University of Alicante (1993-2000) and CEO of Universia (2000-2004), a platform promoted by Banco Santander which in its first 4 years integrated 800 universities in 10 countries. Eisenhower Fellow (programme at 20...