We will donate the proceeds from its reusable cup donation system to research into a cure for muscular dystrophy and HIV
The euro from the cups donated by the public will be transformed into direct support for the 'HIV also saves lives' campaign, of CASDA and Conquistando Escalones' .

Contributing to research in the fight against HIV and dignifying the food donation system are two of the initiatives that will guide the social action of our 27th edition, which will take place from 16 to 22 August in the Benicàssim concert venue.

The first of the campaigns will be channeled through the reusable cup donation system that the festival is implementing once again this year as part of its ‘plastic free’ seal. An action with an environmental impact – it avoids the manufacture of 350,000 single-use units – and a social purpose. The cups can be purchased for one euro and renewed at the bars after each drink. However, those units deposited in the special containers distributed around the venue will be transformed into a personal and direct aid to the Conquistando Escalones Association and CASDA (the Citizens’ Association against AIDS in Castelló).

Together they are promoting the campaign ‘HIV also saves lives’ through the platform The initiative aims to raise funds to develop the first human clinical trial of a possible treatment for Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1F/D2, which some of the members of Conquistando Escalones suffer from and whose genetic mutation makes them immune to HIV.

At the end of the festival, all the glasses donated by the public will be counted to convert that amount into aid to promote research into this type of muscular dystrophy and HIV.

On the other hand, this year Rototom Sunsplash renews its collaboration with the Food Bank through the organisation FoodRation4All and its project ‘Nadie sin su ración diaria’ (Nobody without their daily ration).

The public will be able to make their contributions through two fixed totems in the concert venue and the camping area, and a third mobile one. Using a QR code, they will be able to find out about the campaign and make a donation via POS, while also being able to see the symbolic value of the donation.

Finally, and to complete our commitment, the festival will once again transfer its essence to the prison population. After several years of collaboration with the Albocàsser penitentiary centre, this 2022 the festival team will move to Castellón I, in the capital of La Plana, during the days of the event, to share our musical and cultural programme with the inmates.

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