We feel committed. From the very beginning, more than 25 years ago now, we have been committed to working with certain values and the people who promote or should promote these values, as well as those citizen organizations and groups that work to make them a reality.
Free accreditations donations
In the 2025 edition of Rototom Sunsplash the festival will allocate to a social project the 10 € previously donated to obtain the free pass for children under 13 years old, over 65 years old and people with disabilities (over 65%).
The public included in these three groups will be able to choose one of the following NGOs to which to direct their contribution:
The Human Call Association is an organization created by the Palestinian population in the Ein El Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon, where it manages the Al Nida’a Hospital, the only existing health center in the camp, currently overwhelmed by the immensity of the health and humanitarian emergency.
Project: ‘Medical care for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon’. The collaboration of Rototom Sunsplash in this 30th edition aims to collect and guarantee the necessary human and material resources -from fuel for the hospital generator and fuel for ambulances to essential medical supplies such as surgical material or support for first aid teams- for the operation of the hospital center and to provide decent care to the population and continue saving lives.
The A la Par Foundation has been committed for 75 years to the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and the promotion of their active participation in society through training, employment, diversity, leisure and promotion of independent living.
ProjectRock A La Par Music and Disability’ is the initiative that will support Rototom Sunsplash in its 2025 edition. It seeks to surprise, inspire and make visible the talent of people with intellectual disabilities, also in the musical field, through the formation of a pop rock band composed entirely of artists from this group. David Summers, from Hombres G, and the composer and guitarist Pedro Andrea, sponsor and accompany the band members in this musical adventure.
AIPHYC is a non-profit organization that works to empower and dignify the situation of domestic and care professionals, to make visible the relevance of this sector in society and to guarantee the rights of those who work in it, mostly migrant women from southern countries.
Project: ‘Actions in defense of migrants’ rights and workshops and initiatives on racism and gender’. In its seven years of trajectory, AIPHYC has promoted different initiatives, such as its School for Women Activists and Defenders of Rights, to recover and protect the cultural identity of these domestic and care professionals -many of whom are in an irregular situation and immersed in processes of precariousness and disempowerment- and to generate support networks among them. The aim of Rototom Sunsplash’s collaboration with AIPHYC is to contribute to promote more initiatives in this area.
Conquistando Escalones is a non-profit association created by affected people, relatives and friends of people affected by Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy type LGMD-1F. The genetic mutation of these patients immunizes them against HIV, which is why research to achieve a treatment for this disease has also opened a door to hope in the fight against AIDS.
ProjectScientific research for muscular dystrophy’. The objective of the solidarity action promoted by Rototom Sunsplash is to continue collecting support to promote the clinical trials promoted by Conquistando Escalones against this degenerative and hereditary disease.
The donation must be made through our ticketing system.
The donation will be managed by the organizer, as an intermediary, but the donor in any case will be the buyer who makes the donation, who may request a donation certificate from the corresponding non-profit entity.
Free accreditations donations
In the 2024 edition of Rototom Sunsplash the festival will allocate to a social project the 10 € previously donated to obtain a free pass for children under 13 years old, people over 65 and people with disabilities (over 65%).
The public included in these three groups may choose one of the following NGOs to which to direct their contribution: COCEMFE Castelló, L’AURORA-Grup de Suport, Asociación Provincial de Alzheimer Castelló-AFA Castelló and Fundación ANAR.

This is the work carried out by each of the entities and the solidarity projects that will be financed through this new collaboration with Rototom Sunsplash:
AFA Castelló, together with the Salomé Moliner Foundation, has been providing specialized care for people affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias throughout the province of Castellón since 1996. It has a network of day centers and centers for the promotion of personal autonomy to improve the quality of life of patients and families.
Solidarity project: #LaFurgodeLaPineda
The collaboration of Rototom Sunsplash with AFA Castelló aims to obtain resources for the purchase of a van adapted to move from their homes and to the Day Center La Pineda de Castelló to the users. Facilitating physical access to this resource is a key to democratizing the service, favoring the reconciliation of families and optimizing the therapies performed at the center.
L’Aurora Grup de Suport has been cooperating for more than three years with NGOs rescuing lives in the Mediterranean, providing support from land – from the solidarity ports of Borriana, Benicarló, Vinaròs and Sagunt – to humanitarian rescue boats so that they can continue saving lives at sea.
Solidarity project: L’Aurora Sicilia
The entity’s objective for 2024 is to replicate its action in support of the humanitarian civilian rescue fleet in Italian ports, specifically on the island of Sicily.
COCEMFE Castellón has 35 years of experience providing professional and personalized attention to people with physical and organic disabilities and their family network in the province. A pioneer in adapted transport and with a benchmark early care service, the organization’s mission goes beyond basic assistance through a team of 50 professionals who offer comprehensive support, guidance and advice to users and families. The challenge is to improve the quality of life and defend the fundamental rights of the group, promote their integration, provide innovative and rehabilitative treatments and be the strong voice that supports inclusion in all areas of life.
Solidarity project: adapted van
The collaboration between COCEMFE Castelló and Rototom Sunsplash will contribute to the acquisition of a new adapted van for the progressive renewal of the organization’s adapted transport fleet. This service, pioneer and unique in Spain, aims to transport users, through established routes, from their homes to their work or training centers, day and rehabilitation or treatment centers, as well as to facilitate travel to cover specific daily procedures (medical or administrative appointments, etc.).
Fundación ANAR is a non-profit organization dedicated since 1970 to the promotion and defense of the rights of children and adolescents at risk and in distress through the development of projects, both in Spain and Latin America, within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Solidarity project: Telephone/Chat ANAR to help children and adolescents at risk in the Valencian Community.
The funds obtained through the collaboration of Rototom Sunsplash and the Valencian delegation of ANAR will go to the program ‘Phone/Chat ANAR to help children and adolescents at risk in the Valencian Community’. The objective is to provide children and adolescents with a safe and confidential space where they feel listened to and respected, and where they can freely express what is happening to them in order to find alternatives to their problems together.
The donation must be made through our ticketing system.
The donation will be managed by the organizer, as an intermediary, but the donor in any case will be the buyer who makes the donation, who may request a donation certificate from the corresponding non-profit entity.
More than 50 entities dealing with peace, human and civil rights, fair trade, anti-prohibition, the environment, reggae and Rastafarian culture participate each year in the Rototom Sunsplash. They do so with their stands during the festival, their talks in the Social Forum or the Reggae University and their workshops held in the different cultural areas.
Without solidarity among people, we cannot make advancements in human rights nor can we advance towards the better world that we all long for. That is why we say solidarity is essential.
We collaborate with associations by directly supporting their actions
Projects in which we have collaborated:
L’Aurora Support Group
- 2024
- España
- L'Aurora Grup de Suport
The contribution given to l’Aurora Grup de Suport, dedicated to supporting humanitarian rescue ships in the Mediterranean, will be distributed between two projects. On the one hand, the deployment of the entity in Sicily to replicate there the entire system of logistics and support to humanitarian rescue ships of migrants in the Mediterranean that has been carried out in the last five years in Valencian ports. On the other hand, the entity will be able to go a step further in the Eulàlia Rescue RHIB project in Borriana, “to make a training center to have a team of between 10 and 20 people ready to operate in the rescue boats of the different ships.
COCEMFE Castelló
- 2024
- España
COCEMFE Castelló, with more than 30 years of experience in adapted transport, which currently serves Castelló, Almassora, Vilafamés and Borriana, will use the funds raised thanks to the Rototom Sunsplash donations to purchase an adapted van to cover the “door to door and fully customized” trips of people with disabilities and reduced mobility who live in towns farther away from the capital to facilitate daily tasks such as attending their jobs, medical appointments, day centers or leisure spaces.
AFA Castellón
- 2024
- España
- AFA Castellón
The collaboration of Rototom Sunsplash with AFA Castelló will allow the acquisition of a van adapted to move from their homes and to the Day Center La Pineda de Castelló to the users. Facilitating physical access to this resource is a key to democratizing the service, favoring the reconciliation of families and optimizing the therapies performed at the center.
ANAR Foundation
- 2024
- España
- Fundación ANAR
The funds obtained through the collaboration of Rototom Sunsplash and the Valencian delegation of ANAR will go to the program ‘Phone/Chat ANAR to help children and adolescents at risk in the Valencian Community’. The objective is to provide children and adolescents with a safe and confidential space where they feel listened to and respected, and where they can freely express what is happening to them in order to find alternatives to their problems together.
Grup de Suport l’Aurora
- 2023
- Spain
- Grup de Suport l'Aurora
Our 2023 solidarity campaign channelled through the reusable cup system has raised 18,900 euros, destined for L’Aurora Grup de Suport de Burriana (Castellón de la Plana), an organisation that has been cooperating for more than three years with NGOs that rescue lives in the Mediterranean. The money raised will go to two projects: the Eulàlia-Rescue Rhib training boat and L’Aurora-Sicily, which will replicate the NGO’s work in Italian ports.
Banco de alimentos de Castellón
- 2023
- Spain
- Banco de alimentos de Castellón
In the 28th edition of Rototom Sunsplash we have once again given our support to the Banco de alimentos de Castellón, through collaboration with the M21 Foundation. His team has been in charge of spreading the word about the project among the public and facilitating the collaboration channels through the totems installed in the venue. Thanks to this system, the public was able to make their own direct donation to the organisation. An initiative that has been completed by allocating part of the proceeds from the festival’s system of reusable cups, in collaboration with L’Aurora Grup de Suport de Burriana (Castellón de la Plana).
Banco de alimentos Castellón
- 2022
- Spain
- Banco de Alimentos de Castellón
We have renewed our collaboration with the Banco de Alimentos de Castellón through the organisation FoodRation4All and its project ‘Nadie sin su ración diaria’ (No one without their daily ration).‘. The public was able to make their contributions through two fixed totems in the concert venue and the campsite, and a third mobile one. By means of a QR code, attendees were able to find out about the campaign and make a donation via POS, while also seeing the symbolic value of the donation.
Grup de Suport L’Aurora
- 2022
- Spain
- Grup de suport L’Aurora
Through the sale of works from the Social Art Gallery, we raised 800€ to be donated to the Grup de Suport L’Aurora de Burriana (Castellón), an organization dedicated to cooperation with NGOs that rescue lives in the Mediterranean.
Asociación Conquistando Escalones and CASDA
- 2022
- Spain
- Conquistando Escalones, CASDA
Thanks to our community we have raised €6,014 through the reusable cup system. The money has been donated to the Conquistando Escalones Association (ACE) – founded by people affected by 1F-D2 Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy, caused by a mutation that makes them immune to HIV – together with CASDA (Citizens’ Association against AIDS in Castelló).
Mediterranean SUP Action
- 2021
- Spain
- Mediterranean SUP Action
We supported both financially and in terms of dissemination the Mediterranean Sup Action initiative, Enrico Grossi’s crossing of the entire coast of the Valencian Community in paddle surf ing – more than 400 km – in 10 days. The objective was to raise awareness about the attention and care that we must pay to the sea, raising funds for the non-profit association BIOagradables of Valencia, which organizes awareness and environmental education activities in schools in the Valencian Community.
Accem Castelló
- 2020
- Spain
- Accem Castelló
In the middle of the social and health crisis, we delivered a thousand FFP2 masks and 500 visors to the NGO Accem in Castelló, thanks to the donation of our friends from Glamping. Accem works to improve the quality of life of refugees, migrants and more vulnerable groups.
Asociación Líbero
- 2019
- Spain
- Asociación Líbero
In 2019 we also support the Asociación Líbero of Malaga who care for the seed bank, donated by Semillas Madre Tierra in 2015 to Rototom. They along with members of the Southeast Permaculture Network take care of and reproduce this seed collection so that it continues to expand every year.