Rototom Sunsplash delivers to l’Aurora Grup de Suport the 18.900 euros of contribution obtained with the solidarity glasses this edition.
The Solé Rototom Beach has hosted this Saturday a meeting with the volunteers of the NGO to thank them for their collaboration and involvement in the campaign to collect cups donated by the public of the festival.

The Solé Rototom Beachthe official beach bar of the international reggae festival, has hosted this Saturday a meeting with the volunteers of the NGO Aurora Support Group to thank them for their collaboration and involvement in the solidarity campaign to collect cups during Rototom Sunsplash 2023, which has raised 18,900 euros to finance two of the organization’s projects.

A day at the beach and a fraternal meal at the Solé that culminated with the presentation ceremony by the Rototom Sunsplash to the team of L’Aurora Support Group18,900 euros raised through the donation of the glasses by the public attending the festival, and the subsequent collection and classification carried out by the 130 volunteers of the NGO.

L’Aurora Support Group is an entity that has been cooperating for more than three years with NGOs rescuing lives in the Mediterranean, providing support from land – from the solidarity ports of Borriana, Benicarló, Vinaròs and Sagunt – to humanitarian rescue vessels so that they can continue saving lives at sea.

The collection of glasses has been carried out through the six containers installed at the Concert venue, thus becoming a direct aid to the work of boat maintenance developed by the organization from the port of Borriana.

The almost 19,000 euros of financial contribution obtained will be used for two projects: the training boat Eulàlia-Rescue Rhib and L’Aurora-Sicily, which will replicate the action of the NGO in Italian ports.