A conversation on the Mediterranean with Manuel Vicent, Joan Manuel Serrat and David Trueba closes the ‘Dialogues without Borders’ series in Benicàssim
Promoted by Rototom Sunsplash and Exodus, with the support of the Universitat Jaume I, the session will be held at Villa Elisa on June 27th at 8.00 p.m.

Journalist Ángel Sánchez Harguindey will guide the evening, with free access until full capacity is reached.

A three-way conversation with the Mediterranean as a backdrop between writer Manuel Vicent, singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat and film director David Trueba, accompanied by journalist Ángel Sánchez-Harguindey. The cycle ‘Dialogues without borders’, promoted by Rototom Sunsplash and its Cultural Association Exodus closes the season after seven months of traveling with the session ‘Conversations in the Mediterranean’, which will land in Villa Elisa (Benicàssim), on June 27 at 20.00 hours.

“How they see the world. The future. That Mediterranean. What it represents for each one as a source of inspiration in their creations. To look into that mirror where the world looks; into a sea that shapes in equal parts the meeting and misunderstanding of cultures and civilizations; where hopes are born, but also die; and why not, to talk about the power of utopia, which moves the 2024 edition of the imminent Rototom Sunsplash. This is the leitmotiv for this golden brooch of the cycle ‘Dialogues without borders’ in which we add great personalities closely linked to the concept of the Mediterranean and the philosophy of the Mediterranean; in an open format, without script, with the only challenge of sharing pure conversation,” they explain from Exodus.

This ninth, and last, appointment of ‘Dialogues without borders’ counts again with the involvement of the Universitat Jaume I and the Vice-rectorate of Culture, in the framework of the Universitat d’Estiu, and with the collaboration of the town council of Benicàssim. “The UJI has become an essential partner in this first season, since together with it we have made possible several of the sessions organized since last December,” said the organization.

Access is free, with prior registration at the following link:

Five different cities in seven months of cultural Screening

With the session ‘Conversations in the Mediterranean’, this itinerant cycle that has set itself the objective of exporting the cultural machinery of the Rototom Sunsplash festival throughout the year and in several cities of the Valencian territory, arrives to port.

After its inauguration last December at the Llotja del Cànem in Castelló, with a debate on human rights, ‘Dialogues without Borders’ made the leap in January for the first time to Valencia to share a debate on religions and peace in the Aula Magna of the Centre Cultural La Nau. Democracy in the face of the check of ‘technological despotism’ focused in February the third incursion of the itinerant cycle, which in March fixed its gaze on the triangle ‘woman-equality-art’ taking as a reference the figure of Frida Kahlo on the 70th anniversary of her death.

The deck of the vintage fishing boat Santa María Manuela, as part of the ‘Escala a Castelló’ event, was the setting chosen at the beginning of April for the debate ‘Objective 14: Dialoguing with the sea’, a plea in defense of the oceans. Also in April, the series traveled to the Estadio de la Cerámica with the session ‘The values of sport save lives’ with Paloma del Río, journalist and Queen Sofía Sports Award winner, and Latifa Sakhizadeh, former player of the Afghan wheelchair basketball team. In May, she addressed the resilience of indigenous culture as an engine of change, empowerment and defense of migrant women’s rights in Valencia at a meeting in the sociocultural space La Misti, in the Valencian neighborhood of Orriols.

The Mediterranean has been the nexus of the last two sessions of the cycle: first in Alicante, with the debate ‘The Mediterranean, meeting of civilizations’ in ‘Casa Mediterráneo’, with Andrés Perelló, former ambassador of Spain to Unesco and the former correspondent of RNE in Jerusalem Cristina Sánchez; and next June 27, and closing this circle with the territory, in Benicàssim.

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