Remember that until September 15 you can request the refund of the remaining balance in the bracelet.
Request online the refund of the remaining balance on your wristband. Full refund, no handling fees. All refunds will be processed after the application deadline.

You can request a refund of the remaining balance on your wristband until September 15.

Proceso de Devolución del Saldo No Utilizado

At the end of the festival, some attendees may not have spent the full balance of their wristband. To do so, Rototom Sunsplash offers a simple and accessible return process. Here’s how it works:

  1. Online Refund Request: Attendees must access the festival’s official website, where they will find a specific section for the refund of the cashless balance. In this section, you must enter the identification number of the wristband (located on the back of the wristband) and complete a form with the personal data necessary to process the return.
  2. Application Deadline: The Rototom Sunsplash has a limited application period from August 26 to September 15, 2024.
  3. Refund Methods: Refunds will be made to the bank account you specify during the order process.
  4. Handling Fees: Full refund with no handling fees anywhere in the world.
  5. Refund Period: All refunds will be processed after the application deadline (September 15). After that date you will receive your refund. Please note that since this is a bank transfer, it may take a few days to receive it.

Tips for a smooth return process

  • Check Details: Make sure that all information provided on the return form is correct and up-to-date to avoid processing delays.
  • Keep your wristband: Keep your cashless wristband until the return process is completed, as it is necessary to make the request and/or process any incident related to the process.
  • Regularly check the Festival website: To be aware of any changes in the return process or deadlines.
  • Help:

Request Refund