In support of Julian Assange

Julian Assange is at risk of being extradited to the United States and sentenced to life imprisonment. The reason? To have done his job as a journalist by publishing documents that prove war crimes by the United States and other countries. For 12 years, the WikiLeaks founder has been deprived...

In the margins

Housing has become one of the most worrying problems for contemporary civil society. The price of rents and mortgages is skyrocketing and ties the hands of families and new generations. A film about family, love and solidarity. "In the margins"explores the effect that a situation of economic stress has on...

When the weather disobeys us

The climate crisis threatens our very existence. Our planet is rebelling against an unsustainable capitalist culture based on economic growth and resource exploitation that destroys ecosystems and accelerates global warming. Can we stop all this? While scientists and students demonstrate in the streets, there are those who try to change...

Who defends peace?

Is there a citizen response to the hegemonic view of the Ukrainian war? What are your proposals to solve the conflict? Is it still possible to bet on a culture of peace when pacifism is branded as naïve? A critical but proactive look at one of the most urgent challenges...

United for Peace

A necessary debate on the convulsive reality that the planet is going through. In a context of growing international warmongering, where the media seem to allow no alternatives, we want to say loudly no. No to war and the risks it entails. We want to build a collective path to...