Ken Province

Librero, director de United Minds, promotor cultural y artista multidisciplinario, músico (Mc, productor, cantante) presentador del programa de radio “La Llave del Matrix” (

Moha Gerehou

Moha Gerehou was born in Huesca, with roots in Gambia, from where his parents emigrated more than 30 years ago. In Madrid he trained as a journalist to finish in the media outlet, where he works managing social networks and developing written and audio-visual content related to racism and...

Lucía-Asué Mbomío Rubio

Lucía-Asué Mbomío Rubio is a reporter for Tve1. She writes on perspectives of race, gender and community in El País, Píkara, Afroféminas and Ctxt. She also researches identity construction in "Nadie nos ha dado vela en este momento entierro", her YouTube channel.

Nicole Ndongala

Nicole Ndongala is the General Director of the Karibu Association and member of the Casa África Advisory Council. She gives sessions and workshops on "Leadership and participation, immigration, gender violence, human rights and female genital mutilation". She is a lecturer.

Georges Belinga

Georges Belinga’s father is from Cameroon and his mother from Spain. He is the founder of Koop SF 34, the nursery for social micro-enterprises of Sub-Saharan origin in the San Francisco neighbourhood of Bilbao. Georges, a second-generation immigrant, master of new information technologies from the University of Lübeck in Germany...