Nómada, organizador de eventos, facilitador de Bio Development y terapeuta acuático, lleva años viajando por el mundo aprendiendo y experimentando todo tipo de actividades que ayuden a encontrar y mantener un estilo de vida equilibrado.
Martina Saladino
Profesora de yoga y acroyoga internacional. Ha impartido talleres en España, Thailandia, India y Palestina y en 2019 ha conseguido el "AcroYoga International Teacher Training" en Bangkok (100 horas) y el "Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training" en Rishikesh (200 horas).
Pablo Elorduy
Pablo Elorduy is an editor and is part of the founding team of El Salto. Previously, he worked for years in the Diagonal newspaper. He studied History of Art. He devotes much of his time to writing and editing, interviews and reports. He was born in Madrid in 1978.
Joana Vicente De Bobes
Joana Vicente De Bobes, nature lover since she was a child, is a biologist and doctor of Marine Sciences - Environmental Chemistry. Joana participated in the first promotion of the Master of Global Change at the CSIC. She has collaborated in studies of cetaceans in the Mediterranean, sailed several seas...
Yayo Herrero
Anthropologist, Social Educator and Agricultural Technical Engineer; teacher-collaborator of the Unesco Chair of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development (UNED); partner-worker of Garúa S. Coop. Mad; co-author of more than twenty books related to social ecology and numerous articles; member of the editorial board of Hegoa. She was Confederal Coordinator of...
Tamara Criado
Tamara Criado: Dirección General de la Asociación de Festivales de Música y Directora del departamento de Derecho de la Cultura en Gabeiras & Asociados.
Juan Merín
Juan Merín es director de Fundación Voces y experto en sostenibilidad con foco en el desarrollo social de las comunidades.
Mar Sabé
Periodista, encargada de la comunicación de la ONG española Proactiva Open Arms.