Gemma Coll i Solés specializes in African cultures, development and cities in Southern Sahara. She writes about it in EL PAÍS and the cultural magazine Wiriko, which she co-founded addition, she runs and of African music programme in M21. Gemma has lived in Kenya, and travelled to several African countries.
Itziar Ruíz-Giménez Arrieta
Itziar Ruiz-Giménez Arrieta is Professor of International Relations and directs the Master in International Relations and African Studies, and coordinates the African Studies Group (GEA) at the Autonomous University of Madrid. His research focuses on armed conflict, building peace and international human rights system, among others. He was president of...
Sebastián Ruíz
Sebastián Ruiz is specialized in International Relations and African Studies journalist. Doctoral student in information structures in Kenya, country where he lived as journalist and researcher. He is co-founder and coordinator of the Cinema and Audiovisual section of the magazine on arts and African cultures and has made several...
Remi Joseph-Salisbury
Remi Joseph-Salisbury, besides being involved in several antiracist and social justice movements, is speaker at the University of Leeds Beckett, United Kingdom. His research interests cover studies of race and ethnicity, but he is particularly interested in Blackness, antiracism and identities of mixed races and also writes regularly for the...
Mikaïla Issa
Mikaïla Issa is a freelance writer, digital reporter, social media strategist and specialist in communication for development. Through his work as a reporter on ICT4Ag with Agritools, Mikaïla gives voice to emerging and cutting edge elements of sustainable development affecting agriculture, rural life, environmental and technology issues in Africa.