Nazaret Castro

Nazaret Castro is a journalist, PhD in Social Sciences and Master in Social Economy. She has lived in Latin America for twelve years, where she has collaborated with media such as Le Monde Diplomatique, Público,, Píkara Magazine and La Marea. In recent years she has specialised in the analysis of the agri-food system, from a feminist and anti-colonial perspective. She participates in the feminist research space La Laboratoria and is co-founder of Revista Amazonas and the collective Carro de Combate, she is author of the essay ‘La dictadura de los supermercados’ (Akal, 2017) and co-author, together with Laura Villadiego and Aurora Moreno of ‘Los monocultivos que conquistaron el mundo’ (Akal, 2019), and together with Laura Villadiego of ‘Carro de Combate. Consumir es un acto político’ (Clave Intectual, 2014; 2nd ed. 2020).

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